codename: simple country centaur druid


the Greenthorn family is well known to have abnormally wide branches in their family tree. triplets are uncommon with quadruplets and quintuplets being the norm. their massive herd stretches from Neverwinterwood to the Misty Forest, preferring to tend the forests with the assistance of the elves and avoiding the open plains -- having a long-held family superstition of being vulnerable in the open. being keepers of the forest, many of the family join the druids or become rangers.

approximately 80 years ago they migrated from Gulthmere, mostly unwillingly as their home was destroyed immediately after agreeing to form a caravan with a wizard to Neverwinter. the journey was arduous but there were no losses thanks to the quick-hooved nature of the centaurs. the wizard escaped to lands unknown, and while the great forest fire was never linked to the wizard, there are some Greenthorns that would still like to have a moment with the wizard to ask politely. many Greenthorns that join the Druids will be assigned to tend Gulthmere as a part of their circle's initiation. the Gulthmere forest has been fully regrown for over a decade thanks to their efforts, but the family sees protecting and tending Gulthmere (and forests in general) as an ancestral obligation.


mom is a cleric of Sylvanus, nature domain. recently retired, she had spent most of her time with the church as an evangelist. it was the will of the church to send her to places that nature had no hold, so as to bring life and balance to death and chaos. she makes a killer batch of spiced wine each week for use in church rituals (cost is free but you must bring a container).

father is uncharacteristically a messenger pig farmer on the outskirts of Elturel. he fell in to the profession after an unreconcilable and mutual falling out with the Baldur's Gate fighter's guild, and hasn't looked back. he says there is a certain zen when working with the animals that can't be had in any officer's tent, training grounds, or battlefield. the guild has all but disowned him, however his old friends will still come to him during the toughest of times regardless of affiliation, and the best of times if they can get away with it. if he has any trained messenger pigs for sale, he'll sell you one for 25gp and will include a free three-page manual on the proper care, feeding, and communication with your Greenthorn Express Pig. untrained pigs are free to a good home (you must have Animal Handling).


SCCD along with all of their siblings joined the local druid grove at the earliest possible age. after all, who wouldn't want to hang out with all the wild aunts & uncles getting up to shenanigans while staying close to home? it was, all things considered, an extremely easy early and late childhood filled with exploration. not having partnered off early in life as many centaurs do, the grove sent SCCD to Gulthmere to complete their initiation.

we begin our story with SCCD's stopping by Elturel on their way back to Neverwinterwood as a freshly initiated druid. while en-route, they met up with an elder sibling and were given a location and partial map of a barely-looted Sunless Citadel with a young ice dragon and some goblins guarding it, along with a detailed description of a key and its use.

a red rose with a few leaves and green thorns

simple country centaur druid.pdf